[gnutls-dev] Where to get OpenCDK 0.6.5

Simon Josefsson simon at josefsson.org
Sun Oct 28 10:27:51 CET 2007

Andreas Metzler <ametzler at downhill.at.eu.org> writes:

> On 2007-10-27 Simon Josefsson <simon at josefsson.org> wrote:
> [...]
>> Btw, I've just prepared GnuTLS 2.1.4 which changes the ABI version from
>> 25 (which is what I got by following libtool's logic) to 14 (which is
>> the next after the old ABI version, 13).  Does anyone see a problem of
>> using 14 rather than 25?
> [...]
> Hello,
> I am not sure. The versioning change looks like this:
> num     c       r       a
> 2.0.1   21      4       8
> 2.1.5   14      0       0
> According to libtool's manual this means that 2.0.1 supports
> interfaces 13, 14, 15, ..., 21 and that 2.1.5 only supports interface
> 14. This does not reflect the actual interface. However AFAICT it is
> going to work perfectly on Linux, since libtool cannot express this
> correctly just in a soname.
> I have no idea whether it might break on other archs. If it did,
> libtool would be perfectly right in telling you to keep both pieces.
> ;-)
> cu and- Wondering whether libtool's mapping from version to soname is
>         simply broken -reas

Is there _any_ system on which libtool can express that semantic?

I also think there is something broken in how this mapping works.

Anyway, it seems we really should use c=25 then, to avoid any
possibility of problems on some systems?  We can make the change in


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