gnutls-3.0.18 make check fails on Solaris10

Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos nmav at
Thu Apr 5 18:29:56 CEST 2012

On 04/04/2012 12:30 PM, Kiyoshi KANAZAWA wrote:

> Hi, Nikos,
> Checking "simple -v", I understood /usr/local/GNU/lib/ was linked instead of TOP/gnutls-3.0.18/lib/.libs/
> After setting "TOP/gnutls-3.0.18/lib/.libs" to the head of LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
> both "simple" and "mini-termination" passed.
> It seemed that there is no problem except for -DAF_LOCAL=AF_UNIX, if old versions of GNUTLS are uninstalled, but, 
> I encountered "Segmentation Fault" in pkcs12 again, even if I specifyed -I(TOP)/lib/includes.
> It might be unstable.
> This time, made coredump and watched it.
> NULL is given to the parameter of fprintf's "%s" in print_bag_data (), certtool.c

This shouldn't have happened. What do you see after applying this patch
(and compiling)?

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