OT: Best way to send e-mails to a recipient that does know encryption

LuKaRo lists at lrose.de
Tue Jan 2 12:16:15 CET 2024

> I do not want to use Gmail to send that kind of informations and I'm
> comtemplating using posteo.de.
> Is this any better?

I'd argue of course it's better. Google openly admits reading your 
e-mail, so other mail providers that respect your privacy should be 
preferred. I particularly like posteo.de, because the 1€/month fee is 
still very cheap but makes clear that they have a different business 
model that doesn't involve customer data. Furthermore, they deploy a 
very sophisticated solution that makes it technically impossible to 
match payment data or IP addresses to mailboxes, and even fought (and 
won!) a lawsuit against the German authorities that wanted to force 
posteo to hand out customer data (which they don't even collect).

However, while this will surely be an improvement over providers like 
Google, it doesn't solve the encryption problem. While providers like 
posteo make it easy for laypeople to use encryption, for example by 
providing good instructions and supporting gpg encryption in their 
webclient, you'd probably still need to help a layperson in setting up 
their gpg keys, either in thunderbird or in the webclient of a provider 
supporting this. So if the person is willing to try encryption, you're 
probably best off by helping them doing it before sending your personal 

Hope that helps a bit,


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