Financial Results 2016
Werner Koch
wk at
Mon Sep 4 12:58:20 CEST 2017
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1 Financial Results for 2016
Having prepared the annual accounts for g10^code GmbH, the legal
entity employing some of the GnuPG hackers, I can now share a
financial report. Please read on if you are interested in how we
earned and spent the money from donations and paid projects.
1.1 Balance Sheet as of 2016-12-31
Let us start by looking at the balance sheet, which describes our
financial status. The following table shows the actual [balance
sheet] with a few accounts pooled up. Note that for display purposes
all values have been rounded to a full Euro, and thus there are minor
mismatches in the Sums row.
Asset (2015) Liability (2015)
Tangible assets 4722 (3880)
Stock of goods 0 (0)
Cash balance 154 (360)
Bank balance KSD 282163 (207453)
PayPal and others balance 7001 (3842)
Accounts receivable 10702 (4774)
Accounts receivable other 150 (497)
Common capital stock 25000 (25000)
Loss carried forward 0 (0)
Profit carried forward 126688 (11338)
Net profit 98958 (115350)
Shareholder loans 0 (0)
Accounts payable 323 (0)
Accounts payable other 53850 (27974)
GnuPG development fund 72 (72)
Provision for taxes 0 (41070)
Sums 304891 (220804) 304891 (220804)
The /Bank balance KSD/ is the money that we had at the end of the year
in our accounts at the local savings bank. The /PayPal/ row gives the
amount of money in the PayPal account and as several prepaid accounts.
From the /Common capital stock/ of 25000 Euro 50% are held by Walter
Koch and 50% by Werner Koch, the owners of g10^code. The /Net profit/
gained in 2015 is added to /Profit carried forward/.
The /Accounts payable other/ is my profit sharing bonus of 24739 and
VAT payable for the last quarter. The /GnuPG development fund/ is the
rest of a campaign which collected prize money for the GnuPG logo.
[balance sheet] file:data/g10code-bilanz-2016-pub.pdf
1.2 Profit and Loss from 2016-01-01 to 2016-12-31
Now let us see how much money we earned and how we spent it. The
following table shows the actual [profit and loss sheet] with a few
accounts pooled up. As above, the values have again been rounded to
the nearest Euro.
Debit (2015) Credit (2015)
Revenues 351689 (57251)
Revenues from donations 9342 (283538)
Revenues other 3607 (218)
Salaries 133776 (108719)
Social insurance 29756 (18060)
Contractors 44700 (33165)
Write-offs 1571 (1532)
Connectivity and hosting 2259 (2012)
Rents 2769 (2681)
Interest expenses 1 (550)
Travel expenses 2359 (3499)
Other expenses 6064 (5169)
Donations 1873 (5100)
Taxes 40551 (45171)
Net profit 98958 (115350)
Sums 364639 (341007) 364639 (341007)
The major /Revenues/ items are grants from the Linux Foundation
(54,219 €), Facebook (44,715 €), Stripe (47,824 €), and from these
paid projects: Gpg4VS-NfD (79,800 €), Gpg4All (48,000 €), and EasyGPG
(65,000 €).
The /Rents/ are for the room used as an office in my house. /Other
expenses/ sums up money spent for magazines, power, office supplies,
advertising, conference fees, legal costs, etc. Donations have been
given to [], [Freundeskreis für Flüchtlinge in
Erkrath], [Wikimedia], and the [Freie Software Freunde].
As with almost all software development companies, the majority of
expenses are staff costs. Not counting taxes, which depend on the
annual profit, we had total costs of 225,000 € with 207,000 € spent on
/Salaries/, /Social insurance/, and /Contractors/. My share of this
were 47,400 € regular salary (of which I need to pay social insurances
fully myself) plus a profit sharing bonus of 24,700 €. We made quite
some profit last years due to the good revenue situation and because
one of our employees substantially reduced his working hours to finish
his PhD.
[profit and loss sheet] file:data/g10code-bilanz-2016-pub.pdf
[Freundeskreis für Flüchtlinge in Erkrath]
[Freie Software Freunde]
Die Gedanken sind frei. Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.
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