key question

Paul Richard Ramer free10pro at
Sat Mar 6 09:55:48 CET 2010

On Sat, 27 Feb 2010 03:52:02 +0000 MFPA wrote:
> > (b) the person owns the information has the right to
> > control how it is disseminated, and
> The data subject does have various rights concerning the personal
> information that is about him.

Hello MFPA,

How far do the "rights" of the key holder go?  You say that the key's
originator should control the dissemination of the key to the keyserver,
but what about from the keyserver?  Isn't the keyserver unwittingly
sharing the key without the originator's permission?  And if the
keyserver should control dissemination, what are the limits of the
originator's "rights"?

If the originator does have "rights" to control copying and sharing, are
there any "fair use rights" for the person who has a copy of the public
key?  Should these "rights" of the originator be enforced by some
governing body, or should they be merely courtesy or suggestion?

You wouldn't send all of your mail written on the back of postcards
would you?  Then why would you send your e-mail the same way?

| PGP Key ID: 0x3DB6D884                                              |
| PGP Fingerprint: EBA7 88B3 6D98 2D4A E045  A9F7 C7C6 6ADF 3DB6 D884 |

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