How Do I Export Secring & Pubring Armored Files?

Robert J. Hansen rjh at
Sun Jul 22 20:48:20 CEST 2007

guitarbench at wrote:
> I've wasted about seven hours trying to do this, with no luck.

I suppose you've tried looking at the manpage?

> 1:  Extract an armored text pubring.asc from pubring.pkr

This looks like a PGP keyfile, not a GnuPG keyfile.  GnuPG uses the .gpg

Assuming that it's really a GPG keyfile, just:

gpg --armor --export > pubring.asc

> 2:  Extract an armored text secring.asc from secring.skr

Again, it looks like a PGP keyfile, not a GnuPG keyfile.

gpg --armor --export-secret-key > secring.asc

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