Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder avbidder at fortytwo.ch
Mon Jul 19 09:16:28 CEST 2004

[cc:ed just to be sure you receive that]
On Saturday 17 July 2004 17.43, Sambit Nanda wrote:
> I am sorry to ask this question again, i did not
> receive any response to my last emial.

Which was 17h ago. Wow. Of course, everybody here just waits for your 
questions and will run to answer them within two minutes of them 
appearing in their INBOXes.

Mailing lists do not work that way. Before stating a question a second 
time, wait at least 3 or 4 days. Also, people will be more inclined to 
answer if you tell what you already tried to do to fix the problem. Did 
you search in google (with what keywords?) and not find an answer? 
Where in which manual would you have expected an answer and didn't find 

Have a nice week
-- vbi

Oficio ajeno, dinero cuesta.
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