bench-slope for other libraries... (Re: [PATCH 4/4] Add stitched ChaCha20-Poly1305 SSSE3 and AVX2 implementations)

Jussi Kivilinna jussi.kivilinna at
Sun Jan 20 00:31:56 CET 2019


On 19.1.2019 0.35, Jussi Kivilinna wrote:
> For comparison to other libraries (on Intel i7-4790K, 3998 Mhz):
> bench-slope-openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1  11 Sep 2018
> Cipher:
>  chacha20       |  nanosecs/byte   mebibytes/sec   cycles/byte
>      STREAM enc |     0.301 ns/B    3166.4 MiB/s      1.20 c/B
>      STREAM dec |     0.300 ns/B    3174.7 MiB/s      1.20 c/B
>    POLY1305 enc |     0.463 ns/B    2060.6 MiB/s      1.85 c/B
>    POLY1305 dec |     0.462 ns/B    2063.8 MiB/s      1.85 c/B
>   POLY1305 auth |     0.162 ns/B    5899.3 MiB/s     0.646 c/B
> bench-slope-nettle: Nettle 3.4
> Cipher:
>  chacha         |  nanosecs/byte   mebibytes/sec   cycles/byte
>      STREAM enc |      1.65 ns/B     578.2 MiB/s      6.59 c/B
>      STREAM dec |      1.65 ns/B     578.2 MiB/s      6.59 c/B
>    POLY1305 enc |      2.05 ns/B     464.8 MiB/s      8.20 c/B
>    POLY1305 dec |      2.05 ns/B     464.7 MiB/s      8.20 c/B
>   POLY1305 auth |     0.404 ns/B    2359.1 MiB/s      1.62 c/B
> bench-slope-botan: Botan 2.6.0
> Cipher:
>  ChaCha         |  nanosecs/byte   mebibytes/sec   cycles/byte
>  STREAM enc/dec |     0.855 ns/B    1116.0 MiB/s      3.42 c/B
>    POLY1305 enc |      1.60 ns/B     595.4 MiB/s      6.40 c/B
>    POLY1305 dec |      1.60 ns/B     595.8 MiB/s      6.40 c/B
>   POLY1305 auth |     0.752 ns/B    1268.3 MiB/s      3.01 c/B

These bench-slope versions are available at:

Autoconf/Build system is not very polished but should work at least on latest Ubuntu. Building manually should not be too hard either (you need to compile slope.c + bench-slope-*.c|cpp). 


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