[PATCH] Limit digest checks to enabled algorithms

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Thu Mar 13 11:43:17 CET 2014

On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 19:10, dbaryshkov at gmail.com said:
> * tests/basic.c (check_digests): put #ifdef USE_xxx around checks to
>   disable checks for algorithms being compiled out.

I do not think this is a good idea.  It would be too easy to accidently
skip a test for an algorithm which is actually included.   A runtime
tests seems to be better.  I did it this way:

PASS: t-lock
PASS: prime
      hash algorithm 5 not available - skipping tests
      hash algorithm 5 not available - skipping tests
      hash algorithm 5 not available - skipping tests
PASS: basic
PASS: keygen

By inspecting the test output you would immediately notice that an
algtoithm was not tested.  I consider disabling algorithms an exception
and thus the diagnostics won't harm.  For MD2 I would silent the
diagnotics, though.



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