[gnutls-help] How about some AC_MSG for dlopen?

Andreas Metzler ametzler at bebt.de
Wed Aug 21 13:40:15 CEST 2024

On 2024-08-21 Daiki Ueno <ueno at gnu.org> wrote:
> Andreas Metzler <ametzler at bebt.de> writes:
>> Per-library quadstate ends up being rather wordy, see attached example
>> for handling zlib that way. I have thought about it but cannot see a
>> substantial abbreviation potential ad_hoc, there are 8 cases to handle.
>> - Do you want me follow-up, extending this approach to brotli/zstd/tpm?

> Thanks.  A couple of comments:
> - I would first normalize the argument for --with-*, something like:

>   AC_ARG_WITH(zstd,
>               AS_HELP_STRING([--without-zstd], [disable zstd compression support]),
>               with_zstd=$withval, with_zstd=yes)

>   AS_CASE([$with_zstd],
>           [yes], [AM_COND_IF([ENABLE_DLOPEN], [with_zstd=dlopen], [with_zstd=link])],
>           [dlopen], [AM_COND_IF([ENABLE_DLOPEN], [:], [AC_MSG_ERROR([[
>   ***
>   *** Unable to dlopen ZSTD, try --with-zstd=link.
>   *** ]])])],
>           [link], [:],
>           [no], [:],
>           [AC_MSG_ERROR([[Unknown argument $with_zstd for --with-zstd]])])

>   So afterwards $with_zstd should only be dlopen, link, or no.


Thanks for the handholding, that helped quite a bit.

It is not quite that simple, I would expect
./configure --with-zstd
to abort with an error if zstd support cannot be enabled, i.e.
--with-zstd and not specifiying --with-zstd are not the same.

cu Andreas

`What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are
so grateful to you.'
`I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'
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