[gnutls-help] guile-gnutls-4.0.0 released [stable]

Simon Josefsson simon at josefsson.org
Thu Aug 24 15:32:41 CEST 2023

This is to announce guile-gnutls-4.0.0, a stable release.

Guile-GnuTLS provides Guile bindings for the GnuTLS library.

There have been 13 commits by 2 people in the 33 days since 3.7.14.

See the NEWS below for a brief summary.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed!
The following people contributed changes to this release:

  Simon Josefsson (10)
  Vivien Kraus (3)

Happy Hacking,

Project homepage:

The release is available here:


For a summary of changes and contributors, see:
or run this command from a git-cloned guile-gnutls directory:
  git shortlog v3.7.14..v4.0.0

Here are the compressed sources and a GPG detached signature:

Use a mirror for higher download bandwidth:

Here are the SHA1 and SHA256 checksums:

  5d8a96654fbdf798fd23cd234dee13e9359c4400  guile-gnutls-4.0.0.tar.gz
  W0y5JgMgduw0a7XAvA0CMflo/g9WWRPMFpNLt5Ovsjk=  guile-gnutls-4.0.0.tar.gz

Verify the base64 SHA256 checksum with cksum -a sha256 --check
from coreutils-9.2 or OpenBSD's cksum since 2007.

Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the
.sig suffix) is intact.  First, be sure to download both the .sig file
and the corresponding tarball.  Then, run a command like this:

  gpg --verify guile-gnutls-4.0.0.tar.gz.sig

The signature should match the fingerprint of the following key:

  pub   ed25519 2019-03-20 [SC]
        B1D2 BD13 75BE CB78 4CF4  F8C4 D73C F638 C53C 06BE
  uid   Simon Josefsson <simon at josefsson.org>

If that command fails because you don't have the required public key,
or that public key has expired, try the following commands to retrieve
or refresh it, and then rerun the 'gpg --verify' command.

  gpg --locate-external-key simon at josefsson.org

  gpg --recv-keys 51722B08FE4745A2

  wget -q -O- 'https://savannah.gnu.org/project/release-gpgkeys.php?group=guile-gnutls&download=1' | gpg --import -

As a last resort to find the key, you can try the official GNU

  wget -q https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-keyring.gpg
  gpg --keyring gnu-keyring.gpg --verify guile-gnutls-4.0.0.tar.gz.sig

This release was bootstrapped with the following tools:
  Autoconf 2.71
  Automake 1.16.5
  Makeinfo 6.8
  Libtoolize 2.4.7


* Noteworthy changes in release 4.0.0 (2023-08-24) [stable]

** Fix automake warnings.

** Indent Guile code.

** Work around GnuTLS 3.8.1 bug wrt missing GNUTLS_NO_EXTENSIONS.

** Changed encoding of source files from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.
-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: signature.asc
Type: application/pgp-signature
Size: 255 bytes
Desc: not available
URL: <https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnutls-help/attachments/20230824/8c14c8d4/attachment.sig>

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