[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | fips: mark sha1 as not approved for SigVer in FIPS mode (!1900)

Read-only notification of GnuTLS library development activities gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Fri Nov 29 00:41:36 CET 2024

Merge request https://gitlab.com/gnutls/gnutls/-/merge_requests/1900 was reviewed by Daiki Ueno

Daiki Ueno started a new discussion on lib/nettle/pk.c: https://gitlab.com/gnutls/gnutls/-/merge_requests/1900#note_2233101792

 > -		/* SHA-1 is allowed for SigVer in FIPS 140-3 in legacy
 > +		/* SHA-1 is not allowed for SigVer in FIPS 140-3 in legacy

As mentioned previously, this comment no longer makes sense and should be removed.

Daiki Ueno started a new discussion on lib/nettle/pk.c: https://gitlab.com/gnutls/gnutls/-/merge_requests/1900#note_2233101795

 >  		/* In FIPS 140-3, RSA key size should be larger than 2048-bit.
 > -			 * In addition to this, only SHA-1 and SHA-2 are allowed
 > +			 * In addition to this, SHA-2 is allowed

I'd keep "only" here

Daiki Ueno started a new discussion on lib/pubkey.c: https://gitlab.com/gnutls/gnutls/-/merge_requests/1900#note_2233101797

 >  		/* SHA-1 is allowed for SigVer in FIPS 140-3 in legacy

Remove this comment as well.

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