[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | Support reading and writing private keys in PKCS#8 v2 format (#1474)

Read-only notification of GnuTLS library development activities gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Fri Mar 31 01:47:44 CEST 2023

Daiki Ueno created an issue: https://gitlab.com/gnutls/gnutls/-/issues/1474

The `PrivateKeyInfo` structure defined in PKCS#8 (RFC 5208) has been further updated to the `OneAsymmetricKey` structure in [RFC 5958](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5958), with a dedicated `publicKey` field designated with the `version` field set to `v2(1)`.

GnuTLS currently only supports the old structure for reading and writing private keys and derives public key from the `privateKey` value. When reading, it could first try v2 and then fall back to v1; when writing there could be a new API to specify the version.

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