[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | Indent code? (#1419)

Read-only notification of GnuTLS library development activities gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Fri Nov 4 17:32:41 CET 2022

Simon Josefsson commented:

When we update gnulib (!1509) there would be 'make indent' (which is configurable wrt parameters and which files to indent through cfg.mk) so no additional script would be needed, just some configuration in cfg.mk to chose -linux and maybe restrict some files from indentation if necessary.

Do you agree with timing this just after 3.8.0?  Or should we do it now?  In the old times, doing this on a clean release is better, but with all things git these days, I'm not sure if this is important any more.  Anyone can check out the commit before and confirm that 'make indent' results in the same code, if there is worry about introducing bugs.  (Auditing 'indent' to not introduce bugs is another matter though...)

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