[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | buffer size checks in accelerated cipher implementations (!1521)

Read-only notification of GnuTLS library development activities gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Wed Jan 26 16:39:46 CET 2022

Alexander Sosedkin commented:

> If gnutls-cli --benchmark-ciphers works with AF_ALG with this change, I guess that's ok.

If you insist on that specific check, I might need more help testing that. Fedora 35, I see aead ciphers in `/proc/crypto`, I have `AF_ALG support:       yes`. `gnutls-cli --benchmark-ciphers` execution reaches `afalg_cipher_*crypt`, but not `afalg_aead_*crypt`, so it doesn't exercise the two more interesting checks in there. I'd appreciate a hint on what I'm missing here.

`slow/test-ciphers.sh` / `slow/test-ciphers-api.sh` do reach them though and pass.

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