[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | Unexpected TLS packet during handshake with Twitter.com (#841)

Development of GNU's TLS library gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Mon Sep 30 21:29:34 CEST 2019

IBBoard commented:

I'm trying to recreate this in a simple code example, but I'm struggling to get it to handshake multiple times. Currently my test keeps the connection open and I'm not yet familiar enough with C/Vala/librest/caring about individual SSL connections to know how to make it behave differently (even though the code I'm using is just taken from elsewhere in the main app's code base, where I see multiple handshakes).

There's nothing special about the URLs (that I know of) - just standard Twitter API URLs.

All the requests are going to api.twitter.com and a good action can come just after a bad action (when it isn't likely to have done a new DNS lookup), so it seems unlikely that it's an oddball server with different behaviour.

I don't know what libsoup might do, but is it possible for it to call GnuTLS in such a way that it triggers a New Session Ticket in a handshake from the server that GnuTLS isn't expecting?

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