[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | Test failure in test-ciphers-api.sh (#764)

Development of GNU's TLS library gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Tue Oct 8 16:24:34 CEST 2019

Ricardo M_ Correia commented:

I'm starting to think my initial diagnosis is wrong -- i.e., it's not that `assert()` is raising `SIGILL`, but rather, one of the tests is causing `SIGILL` instead of an assertion failure. Perhaps this part of the log makes that clearer:

trying aes256-gcm
cipher-api-test: gcm.c:429: nettle_gcm_update: Assertion `ctx->auth_size % GCM_BLOCK_SIZE == 0' failed.
cipher-api-test: gcm.c:479: nettle_gcm_encrypt: Assertion `ctx->data_size % GCM_BLOCK_SIZE == 0' failed.
trying aes128-cbc
check_status:206: Child died with signal 4
SSSE3 cipher tests failed
FAIL test-ciphers-api.sh (exit status: 1)

As you can see, the `aes128-cbc` test does not print an assertion message before failing with `SIGILL`, which likely is indicating that `assert()` is not being called...

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