[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | gnutls-cli lutris.net fails (#779)

Development of GNU's TLS library gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Fri Jun 7 10:54:04 CEST 2019

The differences are `record_size_limit` (only sent by gnutls), `psk_key_exchange_modes` (gnutls includes psk_ke), `renegotiation_info` (only sent by gnutls), `key_share` is larger by gnutls, `status_request` sent by gnutls.

Let's try not sending few of them. For `record_size_limit` I do not think we have a knob, though if you can connect with firefox there, which also sends it, it should be ok. 
 * For `psk_key_exchange_modes` to send only the one requested by openssl, do `--priority NORMAL:+DHE-PSK`
 * To remove `renegotiation_info` do `--priority NORMAL:%DISABLE_SAFE_RENEGOTIATION`
 * The key share you already tried with the groups test above; so it shouldn't be it
 * It is not possible to remove the `status_request`

You can also try adding the `%COMPAT` to the priority string.

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