[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | tools in src/ should not use libopts for parsing cmd line options (#775)

Development of GNU's TLS library gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Sun Jun 2 11:56:35 CEST 2019

> @ametzler Yeah, exchanging guile for haskell. ;-)

Do you know of alternatives ? When adding/changing command line options within the C sources, the man pages and texinfo file should automatically be updated.

This MR does it the following way:
- build the tool
- execute the tool with a special option
- inject the output from the tool into a markdown template
- use pandoc to generate manpage and texinfo from the resulting markdown file

The workflow allows the developer to just work on the C code (adding an array entry and doing the implementation). No manual editing of texinfo, no out-of-sync of implementation and documentation ever again.

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