[gnutls-devel] [sr #108712] mutiple DTLS records in one UDP packet not handled correctly

Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos INVALID.NOREPLY at gnu.org
Mon Jan 5 19:20:01 CET 2015

Follow-up Comment #9, sr #108712 (project gnutls):

Interesting case. Here you are artificially setting the client's MTU to 400
bytes, and the server's to 1500. The certificate is 558 so the client cannot
receive it with the size of its buffers. In a real world case (when ICMP
packets are allowed) the server should have received GNUTLS_E_LARGE_PACKET and
should have adjusted its view of MTU size.

Is there some particular merit in addressing that? I mean are there real
scenarios where this case could occur?


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