[sr #107948] DTLS handshake deadlocks on packet loss

anonymous INVALID.NOREPLY at gnu.org
Mon Feb 6 15:21:06 CET 2012


                 Summary: DTLS handshake deadlocks on packet loss
                 Project: GnuTLS
            Submitted by: None
            Submitted on: Mon 06 Feb 2012 02:21:05 PM UTC
                Category: Core library
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: s_buckhe at cs.uni-kl.de
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
        Operating System: GNU/Linux



When packets in the middle of any handshake flight are lost, DTLS handshake
fails in two situations:

* in blocking mode, handshake simply deadlocks and despite all timeouts, no
progress is made.
* in nonblocking mode, handshake continues as expected, but fails on
completion with GNUTLS_E_UNEXPECTED_PACKET or through more obscure errors like

Given the rather low probability that packets are lost in exactly this manner,
this bug does not seem severe. It is rather annoying though, as it leads to
handshakes failing that should have succeeded.

A testcase (rather lengthy) is attached.


File Attachments:

Date: Mon 06 Feb 2012 02:21:05 PM UTC  Name: handshake.cpp  Size: 4kB   By:



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