[W32] gnutls-2.12.18 fixes

Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos nmav at gnutls.org
Mon Apr 9 15:15:44 CEST 2012

On 04/08/2012 08:28 PM, LRN wrote:

> W32 support in GNUTLS 2.x deteriorated a little bit since my last
> patching session. Here's a few things that require fixing:
> 1) gnutls-2.12.18/lib/nettle/egd.* is incompatible with W32 (uses UNIX
> domain sockets, absolute UNIX-style paths, calls stat() on integer
> file descriptors thought to be sockets, and uses S_IFSOCK). It should
> be disabled at configure time.
> 2) gnutls-2.12.18/lib/nettle/rnd.c requires #include <wincrypt.h> on W32

 Do these issues occur in gnutls 3.0.18?


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