GnuTLS internal error in wine test case

Austin English austinenglish at
Wed Sep 21 22:26:27 CEST 2011

2011/9/21 Toralf Förster <toralf.foerster at>:
> Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos wrote at 14:28:09
>> I don't think I can help. What am I supposed to check? What is this
>> test actually testing?
> Well, here is s hint which
> test actually failes.
>> Is there a small gnutls program that could help
>> me to reproduce any failure?
> I do not have such a nifty small program.

If you don't want to build wine, but have a binary installed, I can
get you a small win32 executable showing the same problem.

I don't know that code well enough to get you a standalone C testcase, though.


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