gnutls_record_recv timeout with blocking sockets

Giuseppe Scrivano gscrivano at
Mon May 23 19:41:20 CEST 2011

Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos <nmav at> writes:

> On 05/22/2011 10:32 PM, Giuseppe Scrivano wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In wget we are using something like the following pseudo-code to
>> check if a call to `gnutls_record_recv' will be blocking:
>>   gnutls_record_check_pending (session) || select_fd (fd, timeout);
>> I have noticed that even if the previous code returns a non-zero value,  
>> `gnutls_record_recv' can still block.
> Could you distinguish which was the function that triggered the
> recv, (i.e. gnutls_record_check_pending() or select_fd()?).

Sorry that I haven't mentioned it before, `select_fd' triggers the read.


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