GnuTls: Fixed compilation of gnutlsxx
carlo.bramix at
carlo.bramix at
Fri Aug 13 19:53:47 CEST 2010
I tried to compile GnuTls in Mingw+Msys and I got an error because
gnutls/gnutls.h was not found with gnutlsxx.c
After a quick check I discovered that there was a mistake into lib/
because there was a wrong hardcoded path to includes into
I guess the compilation had been possible with some luck if there was already
a gnutls/gnutls.h installed into the global path. Otherwise, into an empty
enviroment like mine, the compilation always aborted.
Attached patch fixes the problem.
I hope you will find this very little fix useful and it could be possible to
commit it without the need of subscribing to bugzilla.
Greetings from Italy.
Carlo Bramini.
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