GnuTLS 2.3.9

Simon Josefsson simon at
Fri May 16 16:35:03 CEST 2008

The GnuTLS 2.3.x branch is NOT what you want for your stable system.  It
is intended for developers and experienced users.

The goals for the 2.3.x branch are tracked at:

More ideas are welcome, just create a new ticket.

Here are the compressed sources:

No Windows binaries because fchmod isn't available on Windows, and I
discovered this too late.  Will be fixed for the next release.

Improving GnuTLS is costly, but you can help!  We are looking for
organizations that find GnuTLS useful and wish to contribute back.
You can contribute by reporting bugs, improve the software, or donate
money or equipment.

Commercial support contracts for GnuTLS are available, and they help
finance continued maintenance.  Simon Josefsson Datakonsult, a
Stockholm based privately held company, is currently funding GnuTLS
maintenance.  We are always looking for interesting development
projects.  See for more details.

News in this release:

* Version 2.3.9 (released 2008-05-16)

** libgnutls: Fix build failures if SRP/OpenPGP is disabled.
Based on report and tiny patches from
<jared.jennings.ctr at>, see

** libgnutls: Translation fixes.

** gnutls-cli: Fix so that PSK authentication works.
Also improve manual to give example for gnutls-cli PSK authentication.

** certtool: Encrypting a private key now require a confirmed password.
Before './certtool -k -8' would merely ask for a password once.
Reported by Daniel 'NebuchadnezzaR' Dehennin
<nebuchadnezzar at> see

** certtool: When writing private keys to files, change permissions of file.
Now the file which the private key is saved to is chmod'ed 0600.
Reported by martin f krafft <madduck at> see

** guile: Fix -fgnu89-inline test.

** Removed --enable-profile-mode.
The code linked gnutls with the libfc project (Function Check) which
appears to have been stalled since around 2002.

** Clean up header file checks by ./configure.

** Update of gnulib files.

** API and ABI modifications:
No changes since last version.

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