Maiku cmaiku at
Mon Mar 31 22:48:38 CEST 2008

I wanted to clarify a few things I think I missed in my original post. In
the line I posted, when this error happens:

if (ret < 0 && gnutls_error_is_fatal (ret) == 0)

ret is 0. In the _gnutls_io_read_buffered function, it returns on line 639
in gnutls_buffers.c (according to 2.3.4) in this block:

    if (ret == 0)
    {                /* EOF */
      gnutls_assert ();
      return 0;

Also, the gnutls_error_is_fatal returns false (0) for values above zero, and
returns a non-fatal error (0 again) for zero. So to me it appeared that zero
was a case that wasn't being caught properly when checking for less than 0.
My thoughts were that if it was zero it should return as normal (without an
error), the client can then check and see if enough was read, read more if
it needs more, or handle the packet if it's done. This way it doesn't
terminate the session on a return of zero and the client can handle a recv
of zero and the client can handle it however it wishes. It's a sort of case
in itself, I don't believe that would be ignoring it.
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