[gnutls-dev] Libtasn1 0.3.10

Simon Josefsson simon at josefsson.org
Fri May 25 15:21:52 CEST 2007

Second release from GIT instead of CVS, mostly as practicing before
releasing GnuTLS 1.7.x for the first time from GIT.

Libtasn1 is a standalone library written in C for manipulating ASN.1
objects including DER/BER encoding and DER/BER decoding.  Libtasn1 is
used by GnuTLS to manipulate X.509 objects and by Shishi to handle
Kerberos V5 packets.

Version 0.3.10 (released 2007-05-25)
- Update gnulib files.

Commercial support contracts for Libtasn1 are available, and they help
finance continued maintenance.  Simon Josefsson Datakonsult, a
Stockholm based privately held company, is currently funding Libtasn1
maintenance.  We are always looking for interesting development
projects.  See http://josefsson.org/ for more details.

If you need help to use Libtasn1, or want to help others, you are
invited to join our help-gnutls mailing list, see:


Manual in many formats:

Here are the compressed sources (1.3MB):

Here are GPG detached signatures using key 0xB565716F:

The software is cryptographically signed by the author using an
OpenPGP key identified by the following information:

pub   1280R/B565716F 2002-05-05 [expires: 2008-06-30]
      Key fingerprint = 0424 D4EE 81A0 E3D1 19C6  F835 EDA2 1E94 B565 716F
uid                  Simon Josefsson <simon at josefsson.org>
uid                  Simon Josefsson <jas at extundo.com>
sub   1280R/4D5D40AE 2002-05-05 [expires: 2008-06-30]

The key is available from:

Here are the SHA-1 and SHA-224 checksums:

d2789ac7482132ef2c9b2b9d1a43d0e921796241  libtasn1-0.3.10.tar.gz
26de27736e904bdc6b37f9eb440a599aa23ce6c3  libtasn1-0.3.10.tar.gz.sig

bba03703142f801bd2737f86bcefb6b0c9c9189dc000e5a780304914  libtasn1-0.3.10.tar.gzd92a0ffe2a1f42b754f608743403d7eb3870e8a5e0b11726340f9c13  libtasn1-0.3.10.tar.gz.sig

Fabio, Nikos and Simon
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