[gnutls-dev] [Bugs] building 0.9.6 failed on Solaris 8

Sean Gao sean.gao at sun.com
Tue Apr 29 13:08:55 CEST 2003

Hi, there
     Recently I have tried to build 0.9.6 on Solaris 8  for times but 
unfortunately it is always failed.
I have tried with both Forte 6.0 update2 (cc5.3) and gcc 3.2,  and after 
correcting some syntax
checking issues,  the building process always ends with errors when it 
try to make gnutls-serv in
the src subdirectory.
     I have attached the output of bothing building process with this 
e-mail. I would be very
appreciated if you could provide me some help on this issue.

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