[gnutls-dev]gnutls 0.5.11

Ivo Timmermans ivo at o2w.nl
Wed Nov 6 00:00:01 CET 2002

Nikos Mavroyanopoulos wrote:
> - Depends on the new OpenCDK 0.3.2.

This hasn't been released yet, AFAICS, or am I missing something?
Also, the suggested URL for downloading it as given by the configure
script is wrong:

	checking for libopencdk - version >= 0.3.2... no
	*** An old version of LIBOPENCDK (0.3.1) was found.
	*** You need a version of LIBOPENCDK newer than 0.3.2. The latest version of
	*** LIBOPENCDK is always available from ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/pub/libopencdk/gnupg.

However, there is no such directory on that server.


/* I can't stand it anymore!  Please can't we just write the
   whole Unix system in lisp or something? */
	- bash-2.02/unwind_prot.c

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