Removal of compile time path info

Frank Guthausen fg.gnupg at
Tue Feb 25 19:07:45 CET 2025


I did a few checks with the command ``strings'' on the self compiled
binaries of 2.5.4 and noticed remainders of compile time and/or install
time path info.

1. Method "make; make install" with default Makefile

The chosen PREFIX path at configuration time might necessarily be
hardcoded in one way or another, that would be not the main problem.
In this setup there are mainly install time paths visible.

2. Method with ``build-aux/'' and target ``native''

The install command can be provided with a SYSROOT target path setting,
thus no compile time paths are needed anymore. But there are lots of
those paths visible with ``strings''. My understanding is that all
important information regarding any path is taken from the file
gpgconf.ctl where a rootdir is defined. By adjusting this I can even
move the binaries to a completely different location than the previously
chosen SYSROOT. Thus I do not need the compile time path information
because it is not useful in any way. The compile environment is deleted
once the install has happened.

Is there an option to get rid of the
path strings in the compiled binaries?
kind regards
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