PGP Linux OS Upgrade Issue

Harish Chandrasekar harish.chandrasekar16 at
Sat Sep 7 19:52:34 CEST 2024


Recently our servers were migrated from Linux REHL 7 to 9. We have PGP
encryption/decryption done as part of our apps using java which runs the
gpg command . The issue is after upgradation we have installed gnupg 2 2.3
v and pinentry 1.1 but 1st time when the script runs popup of passphrase is
displayed .(manually checked by running command in terminal since we were
reciving timout when run through application). How to stop this pop up
since passphrase is already part of the command.

gpg --homedir ~/.gnupg/ --batch --yes --no--tty --receipient <value>
--passphrase <value> --output <value> --decrypt --value

Googled and found couple of suggestions to add loopback entry in pgp.conf
and pgp-agent.conf. So have created files  under .gngpg and made entries as
well.Restarted the deamon. Nothing worked.

I would highly appreciate if anyone can help on this issue?

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