YubiKey 5C NFC not detected

Felix E. Klee felix.klee at inka.de
Sun Jan 30 12:22:24 CET 2022

Ingo Klöcker <kloecker at kde.org> writes:
> Are you sure "Yubico Yubi" is the correct value for the reader-port
> option?

It’s what is suggested in the official [Troubleshooting Issues with
GPG][1].  They also suggest:

    Yubico Yubikey

That doesn’t work either.  As I realized before, their guides are not up
to date.  [Elsewhere][2] I found that one can scan for devices:

    $ gpgconf --kill gpg-agent
    $ ykman config usb -l
    FIDO U2F
    YubiHSM Auth
    $ pcsc_scan -n
    Using reader plug'n play mechanism
    Scanning present readers...
    Waiting for the first reader... |

That just hangs, same when prefixed with `sudo`.

> Did you try without specifying this option?


    $ rm .gnupg/scdaemon.conf
    $ gpgconf --kill gpg-agent
    $ gpg --card-status
    gpg: selecting card failed: No such device
    gpg: OpenPGP card not available: No such device

By the way, to make `ykman` see the key, I had to add a udev rule:

    $ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/10-security-key.rules
    KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", MODE="0666", GROUP="users", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1050", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0407"

Any idea what else I can try?

[2]: https://blog.programster.org/yubikey-link-with-gpg

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