Help with "config.h file not found error" on Gnupg version 1.4.13

Jacob Bachmeyer jcb62281 at
Fri Apr 1 06:50:59 CEST 2022

Francis Kp via Gnupg-users wrote:
> First of all, thank you for taking your time to reply to this email. I
> tried it using the -l flag. The config file was found in the directory
> before that. Below is the command I executed.
> $ gcc -I /home/user/Desktop/gnupg-1.4.13
> -l/home/user/Desktop/gnupg-1.4.13 mpi-pow.c
> Now it's throwing the below error
> [...]
> I tried copying the header file mpi.h into the directory gnupg-1.4.13
> and compiling the mpi-pow.c program, now the error is like given
> below:
> [...]
> Is there anything wrong with the way I used the -l flag ? If so could
> anyone guide me in the right direction?

Yes, you should remove the copy of mpi.h you made in 
/home/user/Desktop/gnupg-1.4.13; that is not how you make libraries 
available to C compilations.  Try 
-I/home/user/Desktop/gnupg-1.4.13/include instead of copying mpi.h.

If you are having to ask for help with these problems, I am not sure you 
have the prerequisite programming skills to be doing this.  I think you 
need to learn more about C, compilation and linking, and other fairly 
basic computer science topics before trying to study cybersecurity, lest 
you become another entertaining "security" clown who has no clue how 
computers actually work but thinks that signed integers are magically 
more secure.  (Hint:  "signed" and "unsigned" in C have nothing to do 
with cryptographic signatures whatsoever.)

-- Jacob

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