[EXT] Re: gnupg and ssh interaction somehow broken (card reader with pinpad)

Jacob Bachmeyer jcb62281 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 17 23:48:00 CET 2021

Andreas K. Huettel wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 17. März 2021, 21:07:16 CET schrieb Andreas K. Huettel:
>> I'm pretty sure they didnt have different versions, sorry.
>> (I rebooted the machine a few minutes earlier because of a kernel update.)
> OK now it's getting very strange. 
> On a second PC with the same reader hardware model, the same gpg version, and 
> the same chipcard, things work perfectly fine.
> Could this be a hardware defect (i.e., reader was too long in the sun)?

Can you swap the readers between the two computers and see if the 
problem follows the suspected-bad reader?

-- Jacob

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