[OT] Tutanota security/privacy concerns (was: Re: How would you do that ...)

Стефан Васильев stefan.vasilev at posteo.ru
Fri Aug 27 20:35:47 CEST 2021

l0f4r0 wrote:

> Hi Stefan, all,
> Oops, I think I wanted to react sooner but didn't visibly...
> 8 mai 2021, 15:12 de stefan.vasilev at posteo.ru:
>>> l0f4r0 wrote:
>>>> I don't use ProtonMail so I can't say.
>>>> But otherwise you have Tutanota (no phone number required):
>>>> https://tutanota.com/blog/posts/anonymous-email/
>> BTW. Tutanota does (full???) Browser fingerprinting and they where 
>> required
>> to 'upgrade' their email service.
> Thanks for the notice.
> So are you implying Tutanota does not do browser fingerprinting 
> anymore?
> Actually, I cannot find any public source about this. Would you have
> some pointers to share please?


I have not checked again, but can tell you from the past that they check
what web browser you are using, because when you use an anti-fingerprint
add on for your browser and it generates a User Agent string with an 
unsupported browser Tutanota complains and tells you to use the latest
Browser  x,y,z. If they do it any longer or if they do full 
fingerprinting I do
not know.

> While we are at it, by any chance, do you/people have (other)
> complaints/concerns about Tutanota from a security or privacy points
> of view?

I guess Tutanota is a fine service, like many others, but I would like 
see Monero cryptocurrency support, when one likes to sign up via Tor.
(have not checked lately if this is already possible)


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