ssh-add like behavior with gpg?

Cameron Elliott cameron at
Thu Sep 26 08:53:32 CEST 2019

Please CC me directly on the response.

Okay, I am new, but I have read the FAQ and looked at the archive, but
can't figure this out.
I am using gpg 2.2.4

I am trying to use Apache sops, and I have a little experience with 'pass'
and gpg 2 now.

My issue is this:
if I run
$ sops -d file.yml

And my pass phrase is not in the cache, the sops command will fail, which
is okay, and understandable.

There are two ways I know how to get the pass phrase into the cache:
1. pass abcd
2. gpg -s >/dev/null dummy_file

Both those cases will prompt for the passphrase and cache it for a while.

But isn't there a more intuitive command to prompt for my pass phrase and
cache it for a while?

Something like 'ssh-add', where I just get asked for my pass phrase and it
gets cached?

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

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