WKD: Publishing a key for multiple user IDs

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Tue Jul 16 12:16:02 CEST 2019

On Mon, 15 Jul 2019 18:03, gnupg-users at gnupg.org said:

> So if I have two email addresses/user IDs me at my.org and me2 at my.org
> associated with the same key, I cannot just export the key and publish
> it, right? I have to somehow publish two different ‘stripped’ public

Sight.  GnuPG handles this for you if your frontend uses gpg-wks-cleint
for this.  You can use this tool also to create a local copy of server
data structure and then sysc it up.

> Is there documentation somewhere how to produce the keys for both these
> user IDs with GnuPG? (I don’t think the Python generate scripts do this

I don't known about Python scripts.  Kmail, GpgOL, and Enigmail do the
publishing for you.  You can also do it manuallay, see the Wiki.



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