Some thoughts on the future of OpenPGP and GnuPG

Stefan Claas sac at
Tue Jul 2 16:03:03 CEST 2019

Robert J. Hansen wrote:

> > Seriously, ... . I'm going to exercise some restraint here and not write
> > anything else, because I can't find words to do it politely.
> I could not agree more.
> Stefan, that was out of bounds, inaccurate, and easy to refute.  If
> you'd just done a Google search before you hit 'Send' you would've
> discovered the truth.
> I think you owe Werner an apology.

O.k. I should better have said "was* in or may still is in" the lucky

With "big boys" I meaned the German Government, German BSI and Facebook.

Before I do any further replies I kindly request that some kind soul
here acts as Interpreter of the footage below, so that all you guys
and gals understand better what I meaned.

I assume that 99.9 % of GnuPG /gpg4win users have not seen this before.

P.S. to me it is still unknown why exactly Facebook is an anual donor.


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