Two utilities: gpg-tofu and gpg-graph

Konstantin Ryabitsev konstantin at
Mon Feb 18 14:32:41 CET 2019

On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 08:23:38AM +0200, Teemu Likonen wrote:
>This program parses "gpg --batch --no-tty --with-colons
>--check-signatures -- [...]" and prints graph data for Graphviz for
>drawing nice web of trust graphs.
>$ gpg-graph [key1 ...] | dot -Tpng >wot-dot.png
>$ gpg-graph [key1 ...] | neato -Tpng >wot-neato.png
>$ gpg-graph [key1 ...] | sfdp -Tpng >wot-sfdp.png
>I have seen one similar tool before (packaged in Debian) but it was
>broken by design because it tries to parse the human readable output of
>"gpg --check-signatures". It didn't work with the default --list-options
>of gpg 2.1. Obviously it should parse machine readable --with-colons
>output which my version does.

There's also this graphing tool that I've been using for 

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