Moving sigs from Wins machine to FreeBSD

Werner Koch wk at
Thu Dec 5 20:48:01 CET 2019

On Thu,  5 Dec 2019 14:10, Jerry said:
> I have gpg4win installed on a Win 10 machine. I just installed
> FreeBSD onto a new PC. I installed GNUPG 2.2.18 and would like to move
> all of the signatures over to it from the Windows machine. Is that
> possible and how would be the best way to go about it?

All data used by gpg and gpgsm is stored in a platform independent
format.  For example, moving your GnuPG home directory from a 64bit big
endian Unix to a 32 bit Windows box will not lead to any problems.

Data (signed or encrypted files) as created by gpg is per OpenPGP specs
also platform neutral.  When using the armored format the line endings
are created as required by the platform; however all kind of line
endings are accepted by gpg.



Die Gedanken sind frei.  Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.
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Name: signature.asc
Type: application/pgp-signature
Size: 227 bytes
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URL: <>

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