Upgrading 2.0.20 to 2.2.24

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Mon Jun 18 08:36:38 CEST 2018

On Mon, 18 Jun 2018 07:44, skquinn at rushpost.com said:

> The format secret keys are stored in changed between 2.0.x and 2.1.x. It
> is possible that 2.2.x no longer has the code in it to migrate to the

2.2 still has the migration code.  However, once a migration is done it
will not be done again.  Thus adding a new key with an old version of gpg
at least the secret key won't show up in a newer gpg version.

> new format, in which case you might need to import secring.gpg manually
> and set the trust to ultimate manually as well.

Right.  The official way to do this is to run 
  gpg --export-secret-key KEYID >FILE
using the old version of gpg and then to run
  gpg --import <FILE
using the new version of gpg.  It is also possible to delete the file
~/.gnupg/.gpg-v21-migrated so that a migration will be triggered again.



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