gnupg-2.2.4: how to deal with failed tests

Henry nbsd4ever at
Wed Jan 17 15:18:26 CET 2018

Thank you very much.  The log files seem to indicate there is some problem
involving import of "secret keys".  Still, I have no idea how to solve
this problem.
Excerpts from those files below.  -- Henry

issue2346.scm.log, ssh-export.scm.log,and ecc.scm.log all have in common
the following:
"gpg: importing secret keys not allowed"

export.scm.log has as the last line:
"gpg --no-permission-warning --always-trust --output - --export-secret-keys D74C
5F22 -"

armor.scm.log has:
"Importing alpha_seckey
(((/usr/local/src/gnupg-2.2.4/g10/gpg --no-permission-warning --always-trust --o
utput - --import -) 4408 2))"

2018-01-17 18:15 GMT+09:00 Werner Koch <wk at>:
> On Wed, 17 Jan 2018 07:50, nbsd4ever at said:
>> tests/openpgp/armor.scm
> There will be a file
>   tests/openpgp/armor.scm.log
> which should give you some more insight.  You can alos run single tests
> or all in a more verbose mode.  See the ERADME file in the tests directory.
>> Grateful for any advice on how to configure/build gnupg2 so that
> Our Jenkins is currentluy not running but we used to run tests also on
> OpenBSD without failures.  I also test from time on FreeBSD.  Thus I am
> sure it will be only a minor problem on your installation.
> Salam-Shalom,
>    Werner
> --
> Die Gedanken sind frei.  Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.

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