Remove public key from keyserver

Werner Koch wk at
Wed Jan 17 09:42:07 CET 2018

On Tue, 16 Jan 2018 20:37, stefan.claas at said:

> users who uploaded their public keys on key servers would not
> reveal that they know each other as shown with their signatures,
> which the classical WoT somehow requires, instead of using local sigs. 

I do not know most of the people whose key I signed in the last 25 year.
For a long time I had the policy to sign keys only after having seen an
identity card in real life.  That policy was my own - others may have
different policies.  I have also noticed quite some signature on my key
From people I definitely never had met (even before the fun signature
think started).

Thus the conclusion that a key signature indicates that the owners of
those keys know each other is not correct.  Modulo some definition of



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