Remove public key from keyserver

Stefan Claas stefan.claas at
Tue Jan 16 20:37:59 CET 2018

On Tue, 16 Jan 2018 19:36:30 +0100, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Jan 2018 16:34, stefan.claas at said:
> > the public key. He / she is not forced to provide any identity via
> > other web sites etc. Doing this is a method they have implemented
> > as sort  
> I know, but's goal is (or was, back when I tested it) to
> use those connections to somehow prove an identity.  It is a neat
> idea for the facebook generation.  Privacy is something different.

Agreed. But the word privacy would then also mean to me that
users who uploaded their public keys on key servers would not
reveal that they know each other as shown with their signatures,
which the classical WoT somehow requires, instead of using local sigs. 

> > Why do i prefer over the old key server system? Because
> > i am in control of my public key there, so that nobody can do
> > funny  
> They are in control of your key - not you.  You can ask them to do
> something without key but in the end the owners of this service decide
> what they allow you to do and what key they want to publish or stop
> publishing.  Or to shutdown their service.
> Compare that to the keyservers: They have been around for 25 years and
> you can still find all keys ever uploaded there (I am not sure whether
> PGP 2.3 keys are still supported, though).  There is no single entity
> controlling this network.

To me this seems to be the only advantage that the network can't be
controlled. If IMHO key removal by the owner and upload only by the
owner could be implemented in the future than that would pretty



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