gpgsm --gen-key with key on smartcard
Thomas Jarosch
thomas.jarosch at
Wed Feb 28 10:56:05 CET 2018
Hello together,
gpgsm can be used to create X.509 certificates
for existing secret keys on a openpgp smartcard.
"gpg2 --card-status" looks like this:
Signature key ....: E642 8DAC 275A 3247 5B59 A16F A3E9 1268 663A 9918
created ....: 2018-02-27 23:04:28
Encryption key....: 7BD4 D616 869A DABA 40EE 92CE 0B7C A078 D0C4 D69E
created ....: 2018-02-27 23:04:28
Authentication key: 7DA6 B4FD 7E63 CA74 4BDC CE17 A006 6D00 9AD9 3260
created ....: 2018-02-27 23:04:28
sec> rsa2048/A3E91268663A9918 created: 2018-02-27 expires: never
card-no: 0005 00003E6D
ssb> rsa2048/A0066D009AD93260 created: 2018-02-27 expires: never
card-no: 0005 00003E6D
ssb> rsa2048/0B7CA078D0C4D69E created: 2018-02-27 expires: never
card-no: 0005 00003E6
When invoking
gpgsm --armor --output public.pem --gen-key
one can choose (3) to use an existing key on a smartcard.
The next menu present is this:
Available keys:
(1) C9CD95DDF9B6430274F55168DE39877474DA66EE OPENPGP.1
(2) 9D81DD6BD19C9C13F9B03915344BCC6BBDFB8428 OPENPGP.2
(3) 24983DADCC9C49692D6BB30675967DD4B003957D OPENPGP.3
To me it seems it shows the 'keygrip' instead of the smartcard key IDs?
Debug output from gpgsm before the "available keys" prompt:
gpgsm: DBG: chan_5 <- S KEY-FPR 1 E6428DAC275A32475B59A16FA3E91268663A9918
gpgsm: DBG: chan_5 <- S KEY-FPR 2 7BD4D616869ADABA40EE92CE0B7CA078D0C4D69E
gpgsm: DBG: chan_5 <- S KEY-FPR 3 7DA6B4FD7E63CA744BDCCE17A0066D009AD93260
gpgsm: DBG: chan_5 <- S KEY-TIME 1 1519772668
gpgsm: DBG: chan_5 <- S KEY-TIME 2 1519772668
gpgsm: DBG: chan_5 <- S KEY-TIME 3 1519772668
gpgsm: DBG: chan_5 <- S CHV-STATUS +0+32+32+32+3+0+3
gpgsm: DBG: chan_5 <- S SIG-COUNTER 4
gpgsm: DBG: chan_5 <- S KEYPAIRINFO C9CD95DDF9B6430274F55168DE39877474DA66EE OPENPGP.1
gpgsm: DBG: chan_5 <- S KEYPAIRINFO 9D81DD6BD19C9C13F9B03915344BCC6BBDFB8428 OPENPGP.2
gpgsm: DBG: chan_5 <- S KEYPAIRINFO 24983DADCC9C49692D6BB30675967DD4B003957D OPENPGP.3
gpgsm: DBG: chan_5 <- OK
I guessed which key is the correct one from the gnupg 2.2.4 debug output.
When using a smartcard, what about showing the openpgp key IDs
in the "Available keys" menu?
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