How can we utilize latest GPG from RPM repository?

Werner Koch wk at
Mon Feb 19 10:53:12 CET 2018

On Fri, 16 Feb 2018 14:38, konstantin at said:

> (if someone can recommend a better way that only statically links
> gnupg's own libraries like libassuan and libgpg-error, but uses shared
> objects for other system libraries, please let me know, as I didn't find
> any quickie ways to do it!)

With 2.2.5 you will be able to do that:

     make -f build-aux/ STATIC=1 SELFCHECK=0 \
         INSTALL_PREFIX=/somewhere/gnupg22  native
    The SELFCHECK=0 is only needed to build from a non-released version.
    You don't need it with a released tarball.

Thanks for your idea.



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