gpg-agent/pinentry: How to verify calling application

Hartmut Knaack knaack.h at
Mon Jul 17 00:38:50 CEST 2017

Werner Koch schrieb am 16.07.2017 um 21:17:
> On Sun, 16 Jul 2017 09:30, dkg at said:
>> I don't think there's currently any plan to do anything like this, but
> Actually this is implemented since GnuPG 2.1.19 (Debian has 2.1.18,
> though) when used withwith a pinentry from Git after 2017-02-03.  There
> you will see in the titlebar something like
>   [PID]@HOSTNAME (gpg --clearsign)

This is much better. Somehow of a problem is just, that the pinentry window
is not resizable, so the window title gets cut off. I would say, all this
information should better be put inside the window itself.
It would also be nice, if you could release a new version, so distributors
can pick up and build it.


> Salam-Shalom,
>    Werner

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