recording and retrieving "secrets" into gpg files

Stephan Beck stebe at
Tue Oct 4 13:00:00 CEST 2016

Hi Arbiel,

Arbiel (gmx):
> Hi Stephan
> The "Bash scripting" material, which I began reading, gave me some
> valuable informations and I will go on reading it.
> On the other hand, I did not understand the aim of the material
> concerning bash for gpg, as it deals with issues which I am quite
> unaware of. Maybe, when I get more confident in gpg concepts, will I
> understand its purpose.
> In fact, I wish to record "secrets" in gnome-keyrings, as seahorse does,
> and I am looking for tutorials which explain how to do so with bash
> scripts, which are the only "programs" I am able to write.

Ah, ok, you were still with that, so it was sort of misunderstanding.
For me it wasn't quite clear whether your new question really had
anything to do with your old (storing secrets in gnome-keyrings), or
whether (what I thought at last) it was a new one and generic. So I gave
you two links, one for bash scripting in general, and the one related to
gpg (as an example) for bash scripting concerning gpg. No, that file
verification bash scripting hasn't anything to do with storing secrets
in keyrings. I looked again but haven't found anything specific related
to your question.



> Le 30/09/2016 à 17:30, Stephan Beck a écrit :
>> Hi Arbiel,
>> Arbiel (gmx):
>>> Hi
>>> Thank you Andrew.
>>> In the material I've been ready lately, all examples are written in a
>>> programming language and I only have abilities in bash scripting.
>>> Can somebody, please, direct me toward a url where they provide bash
>>> scripting examples.
>> [...]
>> Bash scripting in general?
>> related to gpg? For instance,
>> Cheers,
>> Stephan
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