What's the contextual definition of the term?... signature

Francesco Ariis fa-ml at ariis.it
Thu Jan 28 17:13:18 CET 2016

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 09:08:43PM -0500, Don Saklad wrote:
> What's the contextual definition of the term?... signature
> as this term is used for GNUpg

Since you have only received (not so) funny answers: a signature, in
PGP,  serves more or less the same purpose of a handwritten one.

Most of the time it will mean "I am the author of this (email|document|
article)" but not always -- as with handwritten one it could
be used within a contract, etc.

If you have the public key of person A, you can verify with PGP his
signature, so you will be sure the document you received has not been
tampered with.

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